Thursday, May 17, 2007

Trick in the life

Last night i was settled in the Trick

"peteranswer", this the one web says that the one through the web can understand your mind , funny , i was tricked in this magic.hahaha .though i used that before, and i found that it just a easily magic when you use'.'and start to type wat the answer you want to give according to the next textbox , the question you are going to ask. Before i paid no attention to it , coz i knew how it worked. But after one year , i already forgot wat i worked it , and i trust there's the unbelievable things in the world .So i trust my officemate, hehehe, good , i was tricked , hahahahha , funny right. But it is a lesson that , there's tricks in the world , coz your religion and your believe so you are tricked. Should i trust friends or officemates.The answer is positive , you should, coz they are joking to you without the bad purpose.

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